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The Festival of the People of Chechen Republic Took Place in Grozny, Dedication to the Day of Russia

12 June, 2014

The festival "The World of people culture in Chechen Republic" dedicated to the Day of Russia was held in Grozny.

At the central square of the capital thousands of citizens of the republic have gathered to view the performances presented by national-cultural centers of all ethnic groups living in the region as well as by guests from the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania.

As it was noted by the Ministry of Chechen Republic of national policy, external relations, press and information, the purpose of the festival was to strengthen friendship and unity among the people of Chechen Republic.

The welcoming speach to the audience was deliverd by the Chairman of the Parliament of the Chechen Republic Dukuvakha Abdurakhmanov.

He has observed that for representatives of 44 different nationalities living in the Republic the perfect conditions for life are created.

The Deputy Minister of national policy, external relations, press and information Ekaterina Kurasheva has noted that Chechen Republic today is an example of peaceful coexistence of different cultures, nationalities and religions.

During the festival, the award ceremony of representatives of local national-cultural autonomies of Cossacks, Turks-Meskhetians, Russians and other people of the region took place.

The festival has rolled up with a festive concert in which teams of national and cultural centers representing the people of the Republic took part.

The source: the press-service of the Head and the Government of Chechen Republic